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Nightwish - The Escapist 二胡版 by 永安 (Erhu Cover)

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Nightwish - The Escapist 二胡版 by 永安
Nightwish - The Escapist (Erhu Cover by YungAn)

===================== CLAIM =====================
All I own is my Erhu melody only. All rights of the song and accompany music are reserved by UMG and Nightwish.
===================== CLAIM =====================

Nightwish是一支來自芬蘭的搖滾樂樂團,成立於1996年。Nightwish的音樂風格被描述成交響力量金屬(Symphonic Power Metal),並融入其他元素。托馬斯曾經形容他們的音樂為『用女聲表現的旋律金屬』。

Nightwish的作品中,我最愛的是這首《The Escapist》,凌厲的唯美女聲配合熱辣奔放的金屬節奏,帶領我們進入了一個熱血沸騰的世界。 哥德搖滾(Gothic rock)起源於80年代英國的後龐克(Post-Punk)運動,是一種嚮往黑暗,垂死快感的音樂,瀰漫著死亡的氣息,極端而另類。在經歷了一系列風格的嬗變之後,傳統歌特已逐漸被新歌特風格所取代,Nightwish就是這種新哥德的代表。它的金屬元素帶著極強的衝動,瞬間即能爆發,且綿延得一浪高過一浪,似乎要席捲一切,讓人大呼過癮。而那夜鶯般的女高音,卻又迴旋在在歌劇院的穹頂,彷彿不能擺脫殘酷的浪漫與愛的虛無,營造出一種宏大的氣勢。下面就讓我們先來欣賞Youtube上的音樂:


特別感謝小龍葵之前吵著說要聽,我才認識了這首The Escapist,不過其實這首歌並不適合用二胡演奏。首先,女主唱Anette音域太廣,如果用原音高演奏,二胡聲音會啞掉,所以只好副歌低八度演奏,但這樣又不夠高亢。第二,二胡要表現唯美、熱血、淒厲這三種元素並存,也太難了吧!不過因為很喜歡這首歌,所以還是來研究一下吧。


接下來,就讓我們拿起二胡,化作夜鶯,一起逃離這現實迷宮吧!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Nightwish - The Escapist 二胡版

原唱:Anette Olzon

Who's there knocking at my window?
36 5434 36
The Owl and the Dead Boy
54343 5
This night whispers my name
All the dying children

Virgin snow beneath my feet
36 543 243
Painting the world in white
6 54343
I tread the way and lose myself into a tale
5 54312 234532

Come hell or high water
36 5434
My search will go on
36 5434
Clayborn Voyage without an end
36 32117 176

A nightingale in a golden cage
6633 2332176
That's me locked inside reality's maze
2 5 125 1 17656
Come someone make my heavy heart light
633 2335236
Come undone bring me back to life
217765 176

A nightingale in a golden cage
6633 2332176
That's me locked inside reality's maze
2 5 125 1 17656
Come someone make my heavy heart light
633 2335236
It all starts with a lullaby
217765 176

Journey homeward bound
34 176
A sound of a dolphin calling
321 1 44532
Tearing off the mask of man
334 176
The Tower my sole guide
321 1132

This is who I am
34 176
Escapist, paradise seeker
321 1 44532
Farewell now time to fly
334 176
Out of sight, out of time, away from all lies
321 171 13222(3)

A nightingale in a golden cage
6633 2332176
That's me locked inside reality's maze
667 777 77111

A nightingale in a golden cage
6633 2332176
That's me locked inside reality's maze
2 5 125 1 17656
Come someone make my heavy heart light
633 2335236
Come undone bring me back to life
217765 176

A nightingale in a golden cage
6633 2332176
That's me locked inside reality's maze
2 5 125 1 17656
Come someone make my heavy heart light
633 2335236
It all starts with a lullaby
217765 176

A nightingale in a golden cage
6633 2332176
That's me locked inside reality's maze
2 5 125 1 17656
Come someone make my heavy heart light
633 2335236
Come undone bring me back to life
217765 176

A nightingale... in a golden cage
6633 4 5 4343 663 311 232 17 176
5656 5656 5656656 5656 5656 5656656

音乐视频- Music Video
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