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Movie 电影 | Now I See You 惊天盗梦团 | Sci-Fi Detective film 科幻侦探片 Full Movie HD

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Synopsis: The Movie "Now I See You 驚天盜夢團" tells a science fiction detective story about dreams in the future. After the Yellowstone Volcano explosion, the polluted environment became worse. A large number of human died because of haze. In order to be able to survive the crisis, people now are required to work 18 hours a day. More and more people have become numb about their life and got social phobia. At this time Dr. Chen Xing innovated the D9 transmission that could relief pressure from the reality trough colorful dreams, on the basis of proper use of the sleeping time. Unexpectedly, the first dream seller was killed right after selling her dreams, and the suspect was Wang Bao, data analyst of Chen Xing's lab. Dr. Chen then used scientific methods of decoding dreams to get the right criminal. Everything settled, a man in black sliced into the lab, and Dr. Chen jumped out of the building and died.

故事简介:电影《惊天盗梦团 Now I See You》讲述在未来,黄石火山爆发,携带着硫磺还有大气污染的雾霾席卷全球。传染病通过雾霾大规模爆发,人类死亡率极速上涨。人类陷入了社交外出恐慌。由于大面积死亡,空出很多刚需工作岗位。活着的人类需要超负荷工作才能维持社会的正常运营。封闭,压抑,让苟延残喘的人们痛不欲生。此时陈星博士研究出了梦境娱乐传输机D9,可将睡眠时间合理运用,通过各种色彩斑斓的梦境来排解现实的苦闷压力。让人没想到的是,第一个卖梦者在卖完梦后便被人杀害,嫌疑人竟然是陈星博士工作室的数据分析师王宝。陈星博士利用科学解梦抓捕犯真正的犯罪嫌疑人,破解案件。当尘埃落定时,一个黑衣人悄声无息的走进了陈星博士的工作室。陈星博士坠楼而亡。

出品 Studio: 中韵博艺影视 Zhong Yun Bo Yi, 芬芳国际传媒 Feng Fang Media.
制片人 Produced by: 洪雷 Hong Lei, 窦乙钧 Dou Yijun.
导演 Directed by: 陈小西 Chen Xiaoxi.
编剧 Screenplay by: 陈小西 Chen Xiaoxi.
主演 Starring: 于久洲 Yu Jiuzhou, 马晨龙 Ma Chenlong, 靳天祺 Jin Tianqi, 王格格 Wang Gege, 李姗珊 Li Shanshan.
题材 Genres: 科幻 ScienceFiction, 侦探 Detective, 剧情 Drama.

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