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Movie 电影 | Subconscious Cutter 灵魂剪辑师 | Sci-Fi film 科幻剧情片 Full Movie HD

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Synopsis: The movie "Subconscious Cutter 靈魂剪輯師 " is about a science fictional story. Freud said in his Iceberg Theory: A person will have lots of experience from child to adult. Only small parts become memories and most parts become subconscious. 13 years ago, Psychiatrist Dr. Xin Zuoyao created Medical Subconscious Editing Technology which was used in psychosis treatment. But this technology was forbidden to use because of medical negligence. 13 years later, when Xin Rong, Xin Zuoyao's son, is investigating some illegal subconscious edition case, his father is murdered, and also he suspects he was edited too. At last, Xin Rong find out the real murderer with Jiang Ye's help and the Negative Technology support.

故事简介: 科幻剧情电影《灵魂剪辑师 Subconscious Cutter》讲述十三年前,一场操作失误引发了严重的杀人事件,意识剪辑技术被禁止私下使用。十三年后,剪辑师信荣在调查地下剪辑杀人事件的时候,父亲被人受控杀害,而自己也陷入被剪辑的疑云中。最终,信荣和亦师亦友的蒋爷利用其父研发的意识底片技术找到了真正的凶手。

出品 Studio: 克洛光年传媒 Clock and Lightyear, 互联网电影集团 IFG
制片人 Produced by: 林崎洲 Lin Qizhou.
导演 Directed by: 贾凯 Jia Kai.
编剧 Screenplay by: 贾凯 Jia Kai.
主演 Starring: 刘名凯 Hunt Liu, 王苗 Joker, 崔馨心 Michelle, 吕晶 Lv Jing.
题材 Genres: 科幻 Science Fiction.

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