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New Movies 2021 電影 | Beauty Detective Mission 1 美女侦探团 | Action film 動作片 Full Movie 1080P

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Synopsis: 2021 New First-run Action Movie "Beauty Detective Mission 1 Naked Weapon 美女侦探团之赤裸特工" is about a beauty detective team: Jiang Shengnan, Cen Yuanzhi, Angela and Ouyang Qian. One day the team got a girl missing case: A black belt the seventh of Asian Taekwondo, Lin Danni. During the investigation, Member Jiang Shengnan was missing too. Actually they both were kidnapped by a criminal group which organizes black boxing matches. Sister Na, the boss of the group, monetizes from the match. Then Beauty Detective team finds the place and wants to rescue the girls. Unexpectedly they fall into the trap again and all members are locked up. At last, the Beauty detective girls get a chance in match and escape the cage, also get rid of the criminal group and Sister Na.

故事简介:2021最新首映动作电影《美女侦探团之赤裸狂花 Beauty Detective Mission 1 Naked Weapon》讲述各地发生多宗少女离奇失踪案,受害者全部都是样子可人、体格矫健的青春少女。她们都像是人间蒸发一般,无迹可寻。而真相是,心狠手辣的 Sister Na在幕后策划,利用美少女打黑拳牟取暴利。跆拳道黑带七段女孩林丹妮和美女侦探团成员蒋胜男先后被抓,二人在艰苦的考验中互相扶持,情同姊妹,成为最顶尖和性感的拳手。美女侦探团其她成员岑苑之、Angela和欧阳倩最后利用科技手段追踪到囚禁之处而前往解救,却不想再次落入陷阱而全体被抓。在最后的黑拳决赛中,女孩们最终利用比赛的漏洞成功挟持头目逃出牢笼,并成功将大老板娜姐除掉!

出品 Studio: 智上力合影业 Wisdom Union Film
导演 Director: 吴俊峰 Wu Junfeng
主演 Starring: 陈晓雪 Chen Xiaoxue, 岑苑之 Cen Yuanzhi, 匡匡 Kuang Kuang, 曾芷倩 Zeng Zhiqian, 大B哥 Chi Hung Ng
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action

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