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New Movies 電影 | 英雄本色 A Better Tomorrow 女人本色 | Gangster Action film 黑幫動作片 Full Movie 1080P

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New Movies 電影 | 英雄本色 A Better Tomorrow 女人本色 | Gangster Action film 黑幫動作片 Full Movie 1080P

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Synopsis: 2021 New Action Movie "英雄本色 A Better Tomorrow 女人本色" is about a gang story. An Yixin, Pepper, and Qing were three sisters and joined Six Door Gang when they were young. But when they grew up, An Yixin left the gang for a normal life. One night, An Yixin received a call from Qing for help and had to leave this new family. Some years later, when An Yixin was released from prison, Pepper had become the second chief of Six Door Gang. In order to find out the truth of Qing's death, An Yixin chose to cooperate with an agent Lei. The final battle between An Yixin and Pepper is coming...

故事简介: 2021最新动作电影《英雄本色 A Better Tomorrow 女人本色》讲述一个黑道姐妹的故事。六道门的三姐妹,情深义重,互相扶持。却不曾想,终有一天为爱反目,分道扬镳。姐姐安易欣离开六道门去过了平静的生活,可好景不长,一个深夜,安易欣收到三妹小青的求救电话,为救妹妹,她离开了好不容易建立起来的家庭,重新步入江湖,身陷牢狱。 出狱之后,二妹小辣椒已经成了六道门的二当家,曾经的陈老大,成了她的傀儡,为探寻小青死亡的真相,出狱后的安易欣选择与警方通力合作,共同发现了小辣椒一直在控制六道门进行毒品交易的可怕真相,也揭露出了小青当年死因的真相。为了揭开了小辣椒掌控六道门之后的丑恶面孔,他们展开了正义与邪恶的较量……

出品 Studio: 山东临沂天空映画 Sky Pictures
导演 Director: 冯超 Feng Chao
主演 Starring: 佘雪娇 She Xuejiao, 何欣烛 He Xinzhu, 黄光亮 Huang Guangliang 崔冬辰 Cui Dongchen
题材 Genres: 黑帮 Gangster, 动作 Action

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