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[Trailer] Dream Journey 4 Biography of Demon 大夢西遊4 伏妖記 | Fantasy Action & Romance film 玄幻動作愛情片 HD

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Synopsis: The fantasy action and romance movie "Dream Journey 4 Biography of Demon 大夢西遊4 伏妖記" tells the story of Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong, who were traveling to the West to seek Buddhist scriptures, arguing over the question of whether it was easier to ferry people or to subdue demons. Sun Wukong used the Shape-Shifting Technique to give his power to Tang Sanzang, and he himself became a handsome man with profound knowledge but no power. The Shape-Shifting Technique can only last for seven days, so the two of them have seven days to convert the seven evil spider women in the Pansi Cave and subdue the Hundred-Eyed Demon King in the Huanghua Temple.

故事简介: 玄幻动作爱情电影《大梦西游 4 伏妖记 Dream Journey 4 Biography of Demon》讲述西行取经人唐僧与孙悟空在渡人和降妖孰难孰易的问题上发生了争执,孙悟空使用移形换影大法把自己的法力给了唐僧,而自己变成了学识渊博却毫无法力的帅哥。移形换影大法只得维持七日,两个人便以七日为限,分别去渡化盘丝洞的蜘蛛七恶女和降服黄花观的百目魔君。

出品 Studio: 浙江美视众乐 Zhejiang Media Trust Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 金王来 Jin Wanglai, 徐志毅 Xu Zhiyi.
导演 Directed by: 马中轩 Ma Zhongxuan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 周枫平 Zhou Fengping.
主演 Starring: 谢苗 Mo Tse, 南笙 Nan Sheng, 白梓轩 Bai Zhixuan, 易正福 Yi Zhengfu, 杜玉明 Du Yuming.
题材 Genres: #movie #电影 #film #trailer #动作 #action #爱情 #romance #玄幻 #fantasy #西游记 #悟空 #wukong

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