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[Full Movie] 大梦西游3 Dream Journey 3 女儿国奇遇记 | 神话玄幻电影 Mythology Fantasy film HD

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Synopsis: The Chinese mythology "Journey To The West" fantasy movie "Dream Journey 3 The Land of Many Perfumes 大夢西遊3女兒國奇遇記" tells the story of the resentful souls of the Lady Kingdom after the massacre. The dead souls are unwilling to reincarnate and are trapped in the grass and trees under the conspiracy of Kun Lao in the North Ming Dynasty. They can only maintain their bodies by absorbing positive souls. At this time, Tang Monk and his disciples arrived here. After understanding the real situation of the Lady Kingdom, Tang Monk, in order to save them, ignored the opposition of his disciples and finally succeeded in saving the souls of the Lady Kingdom.

故事简介: 神话玄幻电影《大梦西游3女儿国奇遇记 Dream Journey 3 The Land of Many Perfumes》讲述了女儿国被屠城之后,怨魂遍野,亡魂不甘心投胎转世,在北冥鲲老的阴谋之下被困于草木小人之中,唯有靠吸取阳性魂魄才能够维持肉身。此时,唐僧师徒正抵达此处,了解女儿国的真实处境之后,唐僧为了解救她们不顾众徒弟反对,最终成功超度女儿国众魂灵的故事。

出品 Studio: 浙江美视众乐 Media Trust Culture.
制片人 Produced by: 金王来 Jin Wanglai, 叶统 Ye Tong.
导演 Directed by: 谭俏 Tan Qiao, 莫美林 Mo Meilin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张寅莅 Zhang Yinli, 周枫平 Zhou Fengping.
主演 Starring: 张天其 Zhang Tianqi, 樊蕊 Fan Rui, 张正阳 Zhang Zhengyang, 许明虎 Xu Minghu.
题材 Genres: #玄幻 #fantasy #神话 #mythology #西游记 #journeytothewest

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