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[Full Movie] 大梦西游 2 铁扇公主 Dream Journey 2 | 玄幻动作爱情电影 Fantasy Action& Romance film HD

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Synopsis: The fantasy action & romance movie "Dream Journey 2 Princess Iron Fan 大夢西遊 2 鐵扇公主" tells the story of a disaster in the Flaming Mountains. The power of the banana fan was suddenly reduced, making it difficult to extinguish the mountain fire. Sun Wukong was ordered by Guanyin to return to 500 years ago and obtain a true tear from Princess Iron Fan. Back in the past, Sun Wukong had no memory. He met Princess Iron Fan, who was born without tearful eyes, and was treated as a follower by her, named Sun Xiaokong. The two began to recapture the banana fan from the Bull Demon King and the Jade-Faced Fox. Sun Xiaokong, who lost his magic power, was repeatedly injured trying to win the banana fan, which moved Princess Iron Fan. The Bull Demon King changed his mind and proposed to Princess Iron Fan. Sun Xiaokong left sadly and tried hard to pick Princess Iron Fan's favorite longevity flower as a wedding gift. The moment Sun Xiaokong picked the longevity flower, all his memories were restored. Sun Wukong allows Princess Iron Fan to get married with peace of mind, but he duels with the Long Live Fox King and the Jade Faced Fox, and is dying. Princess Iron Fan sheds true tears for Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong regains his magic power and defeats the Long Live Fox King.

故事简介: 玄幻动作爱情电影《大梦西游 2 铁扇公主 Dream Journey 2 Princess Iron Fan》讲述火焰山一难,芭蕉扇威力骤减,为难灭山火,孙悟空奉观音之命回到五百年前,取得铁扇公主的一滴真心泪。 回到过去的孙悟空记忆全无,遇见天生无泪眼的铁扇公主,并被她当做跟班,取名孙小空,二人开始了从牛魔王和玉面狐狸处夺回芭蕉扇的行动。失去法力的孙小空为夺芭蕉扇屡次受伤,令铁扇公主感动。 牛魔王回心转意,向铁扇公主求婚,孙小空黯然离开,努力摘下铁扇公主最爱的长生花作为新婚礼物。在孙小空摘下长生花的那一刻,恢复了所有的记忆。 孙悟空让铁扇公主安心成婚,与万岁狐王和玉面狐狸决斗,奄奄一息。铁扇公主为孙悟空流下真心泪,孙悟空恢复法力,击溃万岁狐王。

出品 Studio: 浙江美视众乐 Zhejiang Media Trust.
制片人 Produced by: 金王来 Jin Wanglai, 张寅莅 Zhang Yinli.
导演 Directed by: 谭俏 Tan Qiao, 马云 Jack Ma.
编剧 Screenplay by: 张寅莅 Zhang Yinli.
主演 Starring: 谢苗 Mo Tse, 黄一琳 Huang Yilin, 九孔 Jiu Kong, 马京京 Ma Jingjing, 吴毅将 Wu Yijiang, 赵铁英 Zhao Tieying, 金雅娜 Jin Yana, 李夏佩 Li Xiapei.
题材 Genres: #动作 #action #爱情 #romance #玄幻 #fantasy

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