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Movie 电影 | Three Idiots Thieves 黑道三宝 | Action film 动作片 Full Movie HD

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Synopsis: the new comedy action movie “黑道三寶 Three Idiots Thieves 俠盜兄弟” tells us a story about three thieves: Niu First, Niu Second and Niu Third. They came to the city because they were worried about their futures. After all, it was not a long-term plan to be thieves. They looked for jobs but failed. Inadvertently they met Meng Xiang and she got them involved in a conflict with fat Shark... Second and Third accidentally picked up an important stuff being traded by a criminal gang. Long Kun and Long Qi led their men to investigate into that. Unexpectedly, the police undercover Gao Cheng took the opportunity and sneaked into the transaction designed by long Kun... At this time, fat Shark told long Kun about the three thieves and Long Kun kidnapped Meng Xiang. After Niu First heard about the news, he went to rescue her. After a desperate fight, Gao Cheng and the police arrested Longkun and got strong criminal evidences with their cooperation.

故事简介: 最新喜剧动作电影《黑道三宝 Three Idiots Thieves 侠盗兄弟》讲述三名盗贼牛大、牛二和牛三来到了城市里,因为担心偷盗毕竟不是长远之计,三人开始寻找工作,但又无功而返,三人无意间结识了梦香,为了梦香也和肥鲨产生了矛盾……牛二和牛三在无意中捡到了犯罪团伙正在交易的重要物品,龙坤龙麒兄妹带领手下,开始调查失踪物品的下落,可没想到犯罪团伙中的警方卧底“高成”见机行事,在最关键的时候通过巧妙手段,混入了龙坤设计的交易中……此时肥鲨将牛氏三兄弟行踪告诉了龙坤,心狠手辣的龙坤绑走了梦香,牛大听到了梦香被绑走的消息,于是前去营救梦香,一次精彩的殊死搏斗后,牛大一行人配合高成和警方,成功抓获了龙坤等人并掌握了有力的犯罪证据..

出品 Studio: 贵州乐天誉影视 Letianyi Media. 上海凡酷文化 Funcola Media.
制片人 Produced by: 王文涛 Wang Wentao, 张萍 Zhang Ping.
导演 Directed by: 宋彦承 Song Yancheng.
编剧 Screenplay by: 代鑫 Dai Xin, 宋彦承 Song Yancheng.
主演 Starring: 王文涛 Wang Wentao, 张元洲 (网红“王宝强”) Zhang Yuanzhou, 哈松 Ha Song, 陈娇 Chen Jiao, 曹旭 Cao Xu, 菲儿 Feier, 黄益龙 Huang Yilong.
题材 Genres: 喜剧 Comedy, 动作 Action.

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