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Movie 電影 | The Next Three Days 三日危情 | Love Story film 黑幫愛情片 Full Movie HD

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Synopsis: New movie “The Next Three Days 三日危情” is about a gangster love story: A movie star, Zhou Xiaoxing involved in a gangster incident. The boss of “Yang Gang” , Wang Kun, is afraid that things will come to light and send killers to assassinate Zhou Xiaoxing. "Gang Moon" Boss, Gao Hu, also knew his goods was robbed by Gang Yang, So Gao Hu framed Wang Kun's brother to be arrested, and sent a girl, Martha, to protect Zhou Xiaoxing, in order to eradicate Yang Gang forces. So the "three days of a dangerous situation" between the movie star and the female bodyguard began. Martha, who was originally reticent, had a subtle emotional change because of three days of contact, and Zhou Xiaoxing also had a favorable impression because of Martha's several rescues. On the day of the court session, Zhou Xiaoxing also got the evidence of “Gang Moon”. Martha was sent to kill Zhou Xiaoxing by Gao Hu . But Martha didn't do anything. Gao Hu kidnapped Zhou Xiaoxing's brother, and asked Zhou Xiaoxing to meet alone. In the factory, Zhou xiaoxing was in danger. But at this time Martha appeared......

故事简介:最新电影《三日危情 The Next Three Days》讲述 当红影星周晓星无意间卷入了一场黑帮之间的“黑吃黑”事件。黑社会“阳帮”老大王坤怕事情败露,派杀手暗杀周晓星未遂。 “月帮”老大高狐因“货物”被黑,也知道了是“阳帮”出手,遂设计使王坤的弟弟被抓,并派手下玛莎前去保护周晓星,借此一举铲除阳帮势力。就这样,大明星与女保镖的“危情三日”就此开始。原本冷酷寡言的玛莎,因为三天的接触,而产生了微妙的感情变化,而周晓星也因玛莎的数次相救而产生好感。开庭当日,周晓星因无意间也掌握了“月帮”的证据。高狐责令玛莎杀死周晓星,但玛莎没有动手,高狐亲自出山,绑架周晓星弟弟周子城,遂逼周晓星独自前往见面。在废弃工厂里,玛莎及时出现,解除了周晓星的危险,并一举消灭高狐一伙,同时阳帮“王坤”一伙被绳之以法。

出品 Studio: 北京深蓝影业 Beijing Dark Blue Picture
导演 Directed by: 侯景山 Hou Jingshan
编剧 Screenplay by: 郭紫芊 Guo Ziqian
主演 Starring: 周浩东、侯景山、王子翔、邵路雅、韩竟瑶
题材 Genres: 爱情 Romance LoveStory, 黑帮 Gangster

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