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穿越电影 2020 Movie | 浪剑侠客 The Transported Warrior, Eng Sub 浪客剑心 | 动作片 Action film 1080P

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故事简介:2020 穿越 动作 喜剧 电影 《浪剑侠客 The Transported Warrior 浪客剑心》讲述校园差生令狐建是个胆小懦弱的漫画迷,总遭到坏同学欺负,喜欢同班校花姜小甜但不敢表白。一晚在被窝偷看漫画被卷入书中穿越到古代,偶得大侠西门吹雪与叶孤城真气,跟随赏金猎人姜别鹤(与姜小甜相貌一样)抓捕朝廷通缉的罪犯,东瀛神秘组织为了得到令狐建的逆刃刀,抓了姜别鹤,令狐建最终获得勇气与反派对决,生死关头被同学叫醒,发现穿越不过是一场梦,令狐建在梦里学会了勇敢,获得了勇气,并且反击了坏学生的欺负,令狐建成了学校的教父级人物,无限风光的阿建沉浸在无比的喜悦中,姜小甜却突然失踪,令狐建最终找到绝症的姜小甜,准备用真气救她的关键时刻...本片亦名《浪客剑心》

Synopsis: 2020 New Action Movie "浪剑侠客 The Transported Warrior 浪客剑心" is about a comedy time travel story. Linghu Jian is a timid comics fan in school. He likes the classmates, Jiang Xiaotian, but daren't say it out. One day he is transported to ancient times and meets two Kung Fu masters, Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng. Linghu Jian learns some Kung Fu from them and then follows a female Bounty Hunter, Jiang Biehe, to catch criminals for imperial court. At last, Jiang Biehe slipped up and was caught by a Japanese warrior. This time, Linghu Jian needs to find his courage to save her and transport back...

出品 Studio: 保禄利亚 Bolliya Film, IFG 互联网电影集团
导演 Director: 孙校长 Sun Xiaochang
主演 Starring: 韩金明 Han Jinming, 裴紫绮 Pei Ziqi
题材 Genres: #穿越 Time-Travel, 动作 #Action, 喜剧 #Comedy, 爱情 Romance LoveStory

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