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[Full Movie] 假凤虚凰 Fake Prince and Princess | 喜剧爱情电影 Comedy Romance film HD

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Synopsis: The romance movie "Fake Prince and Princess 1 假鳳虛凰" is about a comedy love story: Ye Qingge, the "Prince" of Xuan Station, and Su Yu, the "Princess" of Bei Chu Station, get married for political. When they know some skeletons in the closet of each other, their funny marriage life begins, from hurting each other to allies, then falling in love. On the other side, Xie Qingyun, the boyfriend of Ye Qingge in childhood appears, with a secret of Qingge and the last Palace Intrigue history...

故事简介: 古装喜剧爱情电影《假凤虚凰 1 Fake Prince and Princess》讲述 大宣国太子叶清歌与北褚国公主苏域,出于结盟原因成为夫妻,在揭开对方不可告人的秘密后,这一对欢喜冤家就此开始了貌合神离的夫妻生活。从开始的互相伤害,到利益同盟,再到渐生真情,俩人的感情不断升温。另一边,当叶清歌的“青梅竹马”谢清运出现,则再次让“太子夫妇”的感情变得更加混乱。此外,随着两国之间陈年往事被揭开,上一辈的仇恨又让叶清歌和苏域开始了一段凄美虐恋。

出品 Studio: 云端传媒 Cloud Media.
制片人 Produced by: 魏童声 Wei Tongsheng.
导演 Directed by: 何佳男 He Jianan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 仇星 Chou Xing.
主演 Starring: 赵予熙 Zhao Yuxi, 刘济恺 Liu Jikai, 董子鸣 Dong Ziming.
题材 Genres: #爱情 #romance #喜剧 #comedy #古装

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电影- Movies
Movie, 电影, 電影
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