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[Full Movie] 霸道总裁风流秘书 Young Boss and Hot Secretary | 喜剧爱情电影 Romance film HD

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Synopsis: the comedy romance movie "Young Boss & Hot Secretary 霸道總裁風流秘書" tells that a loser Mei Youqian was encountered difficulties in starting a business. When he was upset, he ran into an old classmate, also his ex-girlfriend, He Peiqi in the street. With her help, Mei succeeded in financing and became a bossy president. After that, he recruited a celebrity secretary. A series of funny stories happened between him and his secretary as well as funny memories between him and his ex.

故事简介: 喜剧爱情电影《霸道总裁风流秘书 Young Boss & Hot Secretary》讲述屌丝梅有钱创业遇困境,落魄时在街上偶遇老同学兼前任何佩琪,在何佩琪的帮助下屌丝融资成功,成为霸道总裁。成为总裁后招聘名流秘书,与名流秘书,前任之前发生扑朔迷迭,高潮迭起的搞笑故事。

出品 Studio: 影匠联盟 Movie Craftsman Alliance, 上海凡酷文化 Funcola Media.
制片人 Produced by: 倪治中 Ni Zhizhong.
导演 Directed by: 廉欣 Lian Xin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 王定邦 Wang Dingbang.
主演 Starring: 萧赫 Xiao Hao, 孙梦纯 Sun Mengchun, 田理 Tian Li, 叶思浵 Ye Sitong.
题材 Genres: 爱情 #Romance, #LoveStory, 喜剧 Comedy.

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