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3D打印的克隆人女友橫空出世!年輕科學家偷偷在家複製了126個一摸一樣的性感女友,這是要幹什麼?| 電影《活體列印》科幻愛情懸疑片 HD

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Synopsis: Sci-Fi Movie "Duplicated Girlfriend 活体打印" is about a suspense story of printing living human beings. A beautiful girl Chen Fei falls in love with a guy Ma Jia. So does Ma Jia. But in Chen Fei's dream, Ma Jia often squeezes her neck. One day, Chen Fei goes down to the underground warehouse and finds a lot of bodies which are same with her. She is so scared and tries her best to escape but failed. Then she meets a same girl of No. 126. The No.126 Chen Fei told her a top secret project about Ma Jia and herself...

故事简介:科幻爱情电影《活体打印 Duplicated Girlfriend》 讲述一个震撼的故事:爱上马甲的陈菲时常做噩梦被马甲掐脖子,陈菲无意中发现了地下仓库中有无数个和自己一模一样的尸体。惊恐的陈菲试图逃出马甲的魔爪,却屡屡失败。陈菲遇到了同样的自己126号,揭开了马甲的爱恨和秘密实验室…同时成立于建国初期“九一八局”的叛徒老李带不稳定打印人来抢夺活体打印技术,陈菲、126号陈菲面对爱恨交织、外敌杀入将何去何从...

出品 Studio: 魔数映画 Magic Picture.
制片人 Produced by: 涂枭龙 Tu Xiaolong.
导演 Directed by: 邢光军 Xing Guangjun, 涂彪 Tu Biao.
编剧 Screenplay by: 涂彪 Tu Biao.
主演 Starring: 李易霖 Li Yilin, 三三 Double Three
题材 Genres: #科幻 #scifi #爱情 #romance

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