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[Trailer] 嫦娥奔月 Fairytale of Sun-Shooting & Flying to The Moon 後羿射日 | 神話愛情電影 Fantasy Action Love film

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故事簡介: 古裝玄幻動作愛情電影《嫦娥奔月 Sun-Shooting Fairytale 後羿射日》講述後羿跟隨獵門弟子一次狩獵石龍的過程中,因狂妄自大擅自行動導致石龍惡變造成九日同天的劫難,後羿受不了父親因自己而死的事實選擇避世三井村,終日渾渾噩噩借酒澆愁。未婚妻嫦娥不顧師傅的反對陪在後羿身邊日日加以鼓勵卻不奏效。新任獵門門主蓬蒙在玄空大法師的幫助下找到射日神弓欲在三星彙聚之日射下八個太陽為自己揚名,玄空大師堪破蓬蒙邪惡心思,在蓬蒙強行迎娶嫦娥之日,後羿大鬧婚禮,獲悉了後羿才是那個擁有天龍脈,拉得開神弓之人,於是主動幫助後羿喚醒射日神功的力量,恢復了右臂之力。嫦娥以身犯險幫助後羿突破自我,本想以玄空大師江湖令脅迫蓬蒙交出神弓,蓬蒙卻早有準備,將計就計將神弓主動奉上,實則早已在神弓上做了手腳。後羿在三星彙聚之日開啟神弓,卻中了幻粉產生幻覺, 神弓失控造成生靈塗炭。 後羿再次懷疑自己,分外沮喪。蓬蒙名正言順以後羿射日不利為由要回神弓,玄空大師與嫦娥等人明晰一切都是蓬蒙暗中算計,並將事實告知後羿,後羿最終克服自我障礙,並頓悟神力本在內心,而非神弓,用普通弓弩便連射三日,而蓬蒙為激發神力被邪術反噬而死。後羿眼見便要成功,石龍異變,嫦娥為後羿爭取時間,犧牲自我催化冰月之力鉗制石龍,後羿最終制服石龍,連射八日,而嫦娥與後羿最終天人永隔,不復相見。

Synopsis: The fantasy action & romance movie " 嫦娥奔月 Sun-Shooting Fairytale 後羿射日" tells the story of Hou Yi following his hunting disciples to hunt a stone dragon. Due to his arrogance and unauthorized actions, the stone dragon became malignant and caused nine days of illness. On the same day of the disaster, Hou Yi couldn't stand the fact that his father died because of him and chose to hide in Sanjing Village, where he drank and drowned his sorrows all day long. His fiancée Chang'e ignored her master's objections and stayed with Hou Yi every day to encourage him, but it didn't work. The new leader of the Hunting Sect, Peng Meng, found the sun-shooting bow with the help of Master Xuankong. He wanted to shoot down eight suns on the day when the three stars converged to make himself famous. Master Xuankong overcame Peng Meng's evil thoughts and forced Peng Meng to marry Chang'e. On that day, Hou Yi held a wedding ceremony and learned that Hou Yi was the one who had the Heavenly Dragon Vein and could draw the magical bow, so he took the initiative to help Hou Yi awaken the power of the sun-shooting skill and restore the strength of his right arm. Chang'e put herself in danger to help Hou Yi break through himself. She originally wanted to use Master Xuankong's Jianghu Order to force Peng Meng to hand over the divine bow. However, Peng Meng was well prepared and took the initiative to hand over the divine bow. In fact, he had already done something with the divine bow. hands and feet. Hou Yi activated the divine bow on the day when the three stars gathered, but was hit by magic powder and hallucinated. The divine bow lost control and caused the destruction of all living beings. Hou Yi doubted himself again and was extremely depressed. Peng Meng justifiably wanted Hou Yi to return the divine bow on the grounds that Hou Yi had trouble shooting the sun. Master Xuankong, Chang'e and others understood that everything was plotted by Peng Meng secretly, and informed Hou Yi of the facts. Hou Yi finally overcame his own obstacles and realized the true nature of divine power. Instead of using a divine bow, he could shoot for three days with an ordinary crossbow, but Peng Meng died after being counterattacked by evil magic in order to stimulate his divine power. Hou Yi was about to succeed when he saw that Shi Long mutated. Chang'e bought time for Hou Yi and sacrificed herself to catalyze the power of the ice moon to restrain Shi Long. Hou Yi finally subdued Shi Long and shot for eight days, and Chang'e and Hou Yi finally became immortals. Separated forever, never to see each other again.

出品 Studio: 北京卓弘影業 Zhuolong Films.
製片人 Produced by: 趙子瑜 Zhao Ziyu.
導演 Directed by: 薑炫亦 Jiang Huanyi.
編劇 Screenplay by: 盧平 Lu Ping.
主演 Starring: 朱婭 Zhu Ya, 單明凱 Shan Mingkai, 朱宏 Zhu Hong, 何欣燭 He Xinzhu.
題材 Genres: #神話 #fairytales #愛情 #romance #動作 #action #玄幻 #fantasy

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