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追 (電影版) 張國榮 電影《金枝玉葉》Zhui - Leslie Cheung

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追 (電影版) 張國榮
曲:李迪文 詞:林夕 編:George Leong
導演: 陳可辛
編劇: 阮世生.李志毅
演員: 張國榮,劉嘉玲,袁詠儀
備註: 因為張國榮在89年已經退出樂壇, 而這部電影是在94年拍, 所以滾石推出的電影原聲大碟只收錄了李迪文(Dick Lee)的版本, 後來, 他在95年復出樂壇推出唱片《寵愛》大碟, 也翻唱了這首歌, 我本人比較喜歡在電影裡的版本, 希望大家也喜歡

Hong Kong Movie
"He's A Woman She's A Man" (1994)
Director: Peter Chanピーター・チャン
Cast: Lesile Cheung, Anita Yuen

Remarks: This movie was made in 94 after Leslie retired from his music career in 89, so this version of the song has not been relased, where those songs were performed by Dick Lee in the Original Sound Track. Later year (95), Leslie announced the return to the music industry and relased an album "Beloved" and re-recorded those songs which ever featuring in some other movies.
I personally love the version in the movie. hope you can feel the same.

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音乐视频- Music Video
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