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Movie 电影 | The Overbearing Love 霸道的宠爱 | Sweet Love Story film 总裁甜宠爱情片 Full Movie HD

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Synopsis: The movie "The Overbearing Love 霸道的寵愛" belongs to the "Luxury Love" movies series. The film is adapted from the novel "The Regal Club 3: The Overbearing Love" written by Tianyou. The film tells a story in which the Regal Club member Xu Saiyan is preparing for a business-tied marriage with Huang Lieqiang. Although she is reluctant in every way, she has to sacrifice herself for the family business. However, on the eve of the wedding, Xu Saiyan's first love Liu Yueping, who had disappeared for four years, suddenly returned to China and moved into the Regal Club, with Xu Saiyan's best friend Qian Xiaoxiao from university. Surprisingly, Liu Yueping won the ring Huang Lieqiang was going to give to Xu Saiyan at a steep price. He told Xu Saiyan with assertiveness that he was the only one who could marry her. All this frustrated Xu Saiyan a great deal. When Liu Yueping had to the United States during the time of crisis, there was no news. She only received news of Qian Xiaoxiao's marriage with him. The double betrayal from friend and lover caused Xu Saiyan a four-year suffering. To top it off, Xu Saiyan's four-year "virtual fitting room" project was suddenly purchased by Liu Yueping. After the two had disagreements, again and again, he finally found a chance to explain himself. It turned out that Qian Xiaoxiao tricked them to misunderstand each other. With the marriage contract still in process, Xu Saiyan was at loss. Qian Xiaoxiao played a trick on them, causing the two people to fall into a public-opinion disaster. Projects, family businesses, marriages, and love would all be in vain. Liu Yueping fought the last fight, created a whole new ending to the story, and finally took out the ring to propose to Xu Saiyan. All he did was to protect her.

故事简介: 电影《霸道的宠爱 The Overbearing Love》是“奢华爱情”系列电影中的一部,影片改编自天佑所著的小说《富豪俱乐部3:形形色色富二代》。影片讲述富豪俱乐部会员许赛雁正准备与黄烈强进行商业联姻,虽然她百般不情愿,但为了家族企业也只能牺牲自我。然而婚礼前夕,许赛雁消失四年的初恋刘岳平突然回国,并入住到富豪俱乐部,身边还带着许赛雁大学时的闺蜜钱小小。万万没想到,刘岳平以高价夺下了黄烈强准备送给许赛雁的戒指,他以超强攻势告诉许赛雁,能和她结婚的只有自己。这一切让许赛雁陷入纠结,当年刘岳平临危受命去美国后便杳无音信,只收到钱小小与他婚讯。友情爱情的双重背叛,让许赛雁饱受了四年的痛苦。这时,许赛雁策划四年的“虚拟试衣间”项目也突然被刘岳平收购。在一次次两人不欢而散后,他终于找到机会澄清了事实。原来,是钱小小使了诡计让两人互相产生误会。面临着婚约的许赛雁不知所措,钱小小从中使诈,让两人陷入舆论困境,项目、家族企业、婚姻、爱情都将化为泡影。刘岳平最后一搏,反转了整个结局,终于拿出了戒指向许赛雁求婚,他所作的一切只为了保护她。

出品 Studio: 非比寻常 Phoebe Media. 上观传媒 Shang Guan Media.
制片人 Produced by: 王秀珍 Wang Xiuzhen.
导演 Directed by: 黄超 Huang Chao
编剧 Screenplay by: 王纯乐 Wang Chunle, 邱钧雅 Qiu Junya.
主演 Starring: 孙远宁 Sun Yuanning, 文祁 Wen Qi, 井凌潇 Jing Lingxiao, 常笑 Chang Xiao.
题材 Genres: 爱情 Romance, 甜宠 Sweet Love Story.

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