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Movie 电影 | I am Chinese 我是中国人 | War Action film 战争动作片 Full Movie HD

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Synopsis: The New War Action Movie "I am Chinese 我是中國人" is about a story during The Second World War. Haisheng was a young man of Chinese Taiwan. But during the war, Taiwan was occupied by Japan. He was affected by Japanese Militarism and joined the vanguard team to Chinese Mainland, fighting together with his foster-brother, Yomamoto Ichiro. But when Haisheng saw the Japanese soldiers kill Chinese citizens. He was going to escape back to Taiwan when he met four college girls who pullouted from Chinese Northeast and went to Nanjing City. Haisheng saved and protected them and fought against with Yomamoto and a special Japanese Team.

故事简介:最新电影《我是中国人 I am Chinese》讲述二战期间,受日本军国主义思想影响的中国台湾青年海生(李乾铭饰),作为日本特别纵队的一员赴中国大陆参战。期间海生目睹了日军残杀中国平民的暴虐行径,想要逃回家乡。这时,海生遇到宁毓等四个女孩,迫于无奈答应送宁毓她们去已经被日军占领的南京城。一路上海生保护着宁毓他们,还要躲避特别纵队队长山本一郎的追杀,四个女孩中的三人相继死去,最终有日本血统的樱子也看清了日本军人的真实面目。海生奋力掩护樱子逃出重围。

出品 Studio: 奥奇文体策划 Ao Qi Film.
制片人 Produced by: 李乾铭 Li Qianming.
导演 Directed by: 刘观伟 Ricky Lau [中国香港]
编剧 Screenplay by: 李士杰 Li Shijie, 郑运昌 Zheng Yunchang, 吴文 Wu Wen, 郭思遥 Guo Siyao.
主演 Starring: 李乾铭 Li Qianming, 颜丹晨 Yan Danchen, 张岩 Zhang Yan, 梁又琳 Liang Yolin [中国台湾], 周蕾 Zhou Lei, 董晓娇 Dong Xiaojiao, 黄一飞 Jatfei Wong.
题材 Genres: 战争 War.

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