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Movie 电影 | Dragon Coffin 西域降龙棺 | Adventure Action film 探险动作片 Full Movie HD

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Synopsis: The new adventure and action movie "The Dragon Coffin 西域降龍棺" tells us about a story of a priestess from the Qin Dynasty pretended to go out to collect medicine to avoid the punishment from the emperor. Actually she went out to summon a big snake to help with her escape. The priestess and the snake were united and hid in a millennium tomb during the period of the Republic of China. In order to escape from the pursuit of thugs, a poor young master mistakenly entered the ancient tomb. The mystery in the ancient tomb between the priestess and the poor young man began to open. Kongfu Master Liu Chuanming was injured by Kawamoto when he was treating the injured young master Du. When he was seriously ill, he still had the great faith and mission to protect the security of national treasures. He endured the pain and taught all his Kongfu secrets to the frustrated young master. Du was deeply moved by the tenacious will of Liu Chuanming. He inherited his mission of defending national treasures and he practiced hard to fight against those thieves...

故事简介:电影《西域降龙棺 The Dragon Coffin》讲述来自秦朝的女祭司为了躲避皇帝的惩罚,佯装外出采药实则召唤大蛇施法逃难。女祭司与大蛇联为一体躲避在民国时期的千年古墓中,而为了逃避打手追赶的落魄少爷却误入了这座有宝藏的古墓,千年女祭司与落魄少爷的古墓迷局就此展开。武林大师柳川鸣在救治受伤的杜家少爷的时候不幸被东洋盗贼川本给打伤,在他病重之际他依然心怀保卫国家宝藏安全的伟大信念使命,强忍着剧痛将武林秘籍全部传授给了落魄的杜家少爷。杜家少爷深深地被武林大师柳川鸣的顽强意志所打动,继承了大师的保卫国宝的使命,苦练武功大战东洋盗贼……

出品 Studio: 墨朝影业 Mo Chao Film, 非比寻常 Phoebe Media.
制片人 Produced by: 李远磊 Li Yuanlei.
导演 Directed by: 李承达 Li Chengda.
编剧 Screenplay by: 李承达 Li Chengda, 王琴琴 Wang Qinqin.
主演 Starring: 王梦瑶 Wang Mengyao, 张雨旭 Zhang Yuxu, 顾悦彤 Gu Yutong, 王绍宇 Wang Shaoyu.
题材 Genres: 探险 Adventure, 动作 Action.

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Movie, 电影, 電影
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