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Movie 电影 | My Model Girlfriend 我的模特女友 | Love Story film 爱情片 Full Movie HD

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Synopsis: The New Romance Movie "My Girlfriend is a Model 我的模特女友" is about a love story. Rou decides to give up her modeling dream because her boyfriend Zhijie doesn’t want her to be a model. Although her friends Ice and Qing do not agree with her decision, they still give their support. LPN Charity Show is recruiting models, and Ice gets Rou an application form. So Rou faces a dilemma: dream or boyfriend? Finally she signs up and starts to prepare for the contest without letting Zhijie know it. However, the final contest and the job interview Zhijie arranges for her are on the same day. Rou chooses to hold onto her dream and has a big quarrel with Zhijie. Rou’s competitor Lulu always wants Rou to quit so she does many tricks. She takes nude pictures of herself and Zhijie in order to threaten him to force Rou to give up. She also gets Big Head, a villain to cause Rou trouble. But to her disappointment, Rou wins her again in the contest. So she even makes a complaint to the contest committee that Rou has an affair with judge Mr. Wang, due to which Rou’s score may very likely to be cancelled. At last, with Mr. Wang’s help, Rou gets another chance to prove her ability to the committee, but Lulu is colluding with Big Head to kidnap Rou…

故事简介:爱情电影《我的模特女友 My Model Girlfriend》讲述 “你只看到了我光鲜的表面,你看不到我背后的汗水”的模特故事...桑小柔为了男朋友准备放弃模特梦想,密友冰儿和晴晴虽然不舍得也给予了祝福。桑小柔准备调整一段时间就开始新的工作了,桑小柔一直梦想参加的LPN慈善秀开始招募。冰儿帮桑小柔拿了一张报名表,让小柔自己考虑。一边是梦想,一边是男朋友...冰儿还是报了名,私下开始努力准备着。男朋友志杰帮她找好了工作,面试的日子跟模特决赛日子重叠了,万般选择下,桑小柔还是选择了自己的梦想...小柔和志杰大吵了一顿,志杰摔门而去。小柔原来竞争对手露露此次又成了她的对手,终于还是输给小柔,止步于决赛。露露因不满处处被小柔掩盖光彩,为了摆脱万年老二的名头,露露勾引志杰拍摄了两个人的艳照,要挟志杰让小柔放弃模特行业。甚至不惜收买凶徒大头照小柔的麻烦。偷拍了小柔和王维宣的照片,向比赛大会投诉,小柔和王维宣有不可告人的关系,另小柔差点被取消比赛成绩。在王维宣的奔走下,小柔有了一次重新展示的机会,露露和大头却在停车场准备绑架小柔,让她彻底失去机会...

出品 Studio: 洪盛玮业 Hongsheng Weiye Film, 凡酷文化 Funcola Media.
制片人 Produced by: 闫晓明 Yan Xiaoming.
导演 Directed by: 彭志东 Peng Zhidong.
编剧 Screenplay by: 谷羽弘 Gu Yuhong.
主演 Starring: 王能 Wang Neng, 李成昊 Li Chenghao, 白金 Bai Jin, 张廖 Zhang Liao, 梁佳楠 Liang Jiannan, 徐德文 Xu Dewen.
题材 Genres: 爱情 Romance, LoveStory.

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5, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official
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