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[Full Movie] 寡妇刺客 Widows Assassin | 犯罪动作电影 Crime Action film HD

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Synopsis: The crime action movie "The Widows Assassin 寡婦刺客" tells the story of gangsters in the Republic of Kammun in Southeast Asia, where the mysterious underground organization "The Widows Assassin" assassinates gang members. During the annual leadership election of the White Elephant Society, the largest gang organization in Kammun, Zaja, the then top leader of the White Elephant Society, was killed. Lola, the "adopted daughter" who grew up with Zaja since childhood, embarks on the road of revenge because of Zaja's murder. On the road of revenge, the truth about Zaja's murder is constantly revealed, but behind the truth is an unknown secret.

故事简介: 犯罪动作电影《寡妇刺客 The Widows Assassin》讲述东南亚甘文共和国黑帮势力横行,神秘的地下组织“寡妇刺客团”大肆暗杀黑帮组织成员。就在甘文最大的黑帮组织白象会一年一度换届选举领导人的期间,时任白象会最高领导人扎贾遇害。从小跟在扎贾身边长大的“养女”罗拉因扎贾的遇害而踏上复仇之路,复仇之路上不断揭开扎贾遇害的真相,真相的背后却是不为人知的秘密。

出品 Studio: 掌尚娱乐 Palm Entertainment.
制片人 Produced by: 陈华斌 Chen Huabin
导演 Directed by: 池伟炜 Chi Weiwei.
编剧 Screenplay by: 王朝元 Wang Chaoyuan.
主演 Starring: 韦海珊 Wei Haishan, 陈冠宁 Chen Guanning, 大乔 Da Qiao, 吴浚诚 Wu Juncheng, 陈华斌 Chen Huabin.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #actionfilm

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