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Movie 电影 | Return of The Snake Girl 欲蟒归来 | Crime film 犯罪片 Full Movie HD

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Synopsis: The new movie "Return of the Snake Girl 欲蟒歸來 " tells the story of a beautiful python (Yang Mengwei) who travels through time, survives the catastrophe of life and death, and becomes a snake fairy. Then, she came to her sister's house, where she went through a series of emotional entanglements with her brother-in-law (Zhao Moyan), and finally found out that the housekeeper (Jin Mengmeng) was actually her brother-in-law's sister. After Yang Xueer discovered their sinister plot, she has been looking for evidence, and finally, she killed Zhao Moyan. But Yang Mengwei was infatuated with her brother-in-law from the start, and she took out the essence of her life to save Zhao Moyan.

故事简介: 最新电影《欲蟒归来 Return of The Snake Girl》讲述一只美艳的蟒蛇(杨梦薇)穿越时间轮回,顺利度过生死劫,羽化为神,来到姐姐杨雪儿家中,并与姐夫(赵莫言)发生的一系列情感纠葛,最后发现管家(金梦梦)竟是姐夫的亲妹妹,小姑子与姐夫一起潜伏在杨家伺机报仇把杨家人赶尽杀绝。杨雪儿发现阴谋后,一直在寻找证据,最终对赵莫言痛下杀手,然而杨梦薇却对姐夫始终痴情不惜取出自己活命的蛇胆来救下赵莫言。

出品 Studio: 乐影盟文化传媒 Le Ying Meng Media, 凡酷文化 Funcola Media.
制片人 Produced by: 邓象平 Deng Xiangping.
导演 Directed by: 韩明召 Hang Mingzhao.
编剧 Screenplay by: 吴桃之 Wu Taozhi.
主演 Starring: 许喵喵 Xu Miaomiao 蒋德亮 Jiang Deliang, 张艺儿 Zhang Yier, 金小迪 Jin Xiaodi.
题材 Genres: 犯罪 Crime, 玄幻 Fantasy.

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电影- Movies
Movie, 电影, 電影
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