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[Full Movie] 东海人鱼传 The Legend of Mermaid | 奇幻探险动作电影 Fantasy Action film HD

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Synopsis: The fantasy, adventure & martial arts action movie "The Legend of Mermaid 東海人魚傳" tells a story in accient time, in order to seek longevity, the emperor sent his confidant Eunuch Gao Dehai and Imperial Guard Yan Lie to find the immortal springs in East Sea. On the way, the fleet was attacked by a dragon and the warship was destroyed. Fortunately, the mermaid Xiyin appeared in time to save everyone. Under Gao Dehai's order, everyone was forced to explore the dangerous deserted island, encountering rare creature attacks many times on the way, and Yan Lie and Xiyin also gradually fell in love with each other in times of adversity...

故事简介: 奇幻探险动作电影《东海人鱼传》讲述在古代,皇帝为求长生,特遣心腹太监高德海并锦衣卫镇抚使严烈,率舰队前往东海寻求不老泉。途中舰队遇蛟龙袭击,战船被毁,幸得鲛人汐音及时出现救下众人。在高德海的命令下,众人被迫探秘危险重重的荒岛,途中多次遭遇罕见生物袭击,而严烈和汐音也在一次又一次的患难与共中情愫渐生……

出品 Studio: 淘梦影业 Tmeng Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 林毅 Lin Yi.
导演 Directed by: 崔炎龙 Cui Yanlong.
编剧 Screenplay by: 崔炎龙 Cui Yanlong, 陈萍萍 Chen Pingping.
主演 Starring: 梁霆炜 Liang Tingwei, 邱诗媛 Qiu Shiyuan, 徐少武 Xu Shaowu, 王钦 Wang Qin, 吕宇 Lv Yu.
题材 Genres: #奇幻 #fantasy #探险 #adventure #动作 #Action #武侠 #martialarts

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