Synopsis: The mystery & action movie "Bad Detective 不良神探" tells the story of a murder and robbery in an ancient town. It is very strange and the people in the town are in panic. Detective Deng Long is ordered to investigate, with female detective Song Feiyan as his assistant. The suspect Chen Tianhe surfaces. Once arrested, Chen Tianhe confesses to the crime and admits that he is the murderer of the murder and robbery. However, Deng Long finds that things are not as simple as he thought. At this time, Deng Long's wife Li Xiaoman disappears unexpectedly. He understands that this is definitely related to Chen Tianhe. Chen Tianhe tells Deng Long that if he wants to know the whereabouts of his wife, he must play a game with him, save himself first, and prove his innocence. Layers of conspiracy slowly surfaced, and a gamble with life as the stakes began. The conspiracy was carried out step by step, and the truth was peeled off layer by layer. The haze buried deep in Deng Long's heart was unraveled again. Where will he go?
故事简介: 探案动作电影《不良神探 Bad Detective》讲述古镇出现杀人劫镖案,甚是诡异,小镇人心惶惶,神探邓龙奉命调查,女探宋飞烟为助手,犯罪嫌疑人陈天河浮出水面,陈天河一经逮捕就对犯罪供认不违,承认是杀人劫镖案的凶手,邓龙却发现事情并没有想的那么简单,此时,邓龙的结发妻子李小曼意外失踪,他明白这绝对和陈天河脱不了干系,陈天河告诉邓龙,想要知道自己妻子的下落,就得陪他玩个游戏,先解救自己,并证明自己的清白,一层层阴谋慢慢浮出水面,一场以生命为筹码的赌局就此展开,阴谋步步为营,真相被层层剥开,邓龙埋藏心底深处的阴霾被抽丝剥茧地再次展现,他将何去何从。
出品 Studio: 佰乐传媒 Baile Media.
制片人 Produced by: 隋晓楠 Sui Xiaonan.
导演 Directed by: 李立铭 Li Liming.
编剧 Screenplay by: 李立铭 Li Liming.
主演 Starring: 郑拓疆 Zheng Tuojiang, 潘元甲 Pan Yuanjia, 佴一文 Nai Yiwen, 张国庆 Zhang Guoqing, 徐广明 Xu Guangming, 崔鑫心 Cui Xinxin.
题材 Genres: #movie #电影 #film #fullmovie #动作 #action #探案 #mystery #detective
频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:
2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:
3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :
4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater
5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:
故事简介: 探案动作电影《不良神探 Bad Detective》讲述古镇出现杀人劫镖案,甚是诡异,小镇人心惶惶,神探邓龙奉命调查,女探宋飞烟为助手,犯罪嫌疑人陈天河浮出水面,陈天河一经逮捕就对犯罪供认不违,承认是杀人劫镖案的凶手,邓龙却发现事情并没有想的那么简单,此时,邓龙的结发妻子李小曼意外失踪,他明白这绝对和陈天河脱不了干系,陈天河告诉邓龙,想要知道自己妻子的下落,就得陪他玩个游戏,先解救自己,并证明自己的清白,一层层阴谋慢慢浮出水面,一场以生命为筹码的赌局就此展开,阴谋步步为营,真相被层层剥开,邓龙埋藏心底深处的阴霾被抽丝剥茧地再次展现,他将何去何从。
出品 Studio: 佰乐传媒 Baile Media.
制片人 Produced by: 隋晓楠 Sui Xiaonan.
导演 Directed by: 李立铭 Li Liming.
编剧 Screenplay by: 李立铭 Li Liming.
主演 Starring: 郑拓疆 Zheng Tuojiang, 潘元甲 Pan Yuanjia, 佴一文 Nai Yiwen, 张国庆 Zhang Guoqing, 徐广明 Xu Guangming, 崔鑫心 Cui Xinxin.
题材 Genres: #movie #电影 #film #fullmovie #动作 #action #探案 #mystery #detective
频道内容介绍 Introduction of Channels & Contents
1, 圈影圈外官方电影频道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official:
2, 圈影圈外官方电视剧频道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel:
3, 模晰官方电影频道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :
4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater
5, 模晰音乐频道 Moxi Music Channel:
- Category
- 电影- Movies
- Tags
- 電影, movie, 电影
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