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10+ Powerful Photos From Hurricane Harvey That Show The Devastating Power Of Nature

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Hurricane Harvey is currently devastating southeastern Texas, including the city of Houston. Disastrous flooding, winds gusting up to 95 km/h, and even tornadoes have already caused billions of dollars in property damage, and have reportedly claimed at least 9 lives. Since Harvey made landfall at Rockport, Texas, in the early hours of August 26th, the Internet has become inundated with harrowing photos and stories from affected areas - stories of tragedy, rescue, community and generosity. We're bringing you the ones that are making headlines, and stirring hearts, worldwide.
If you would like to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey, Houston mayor Sylvester Turner has set up an emergency relief fund which can be found here.
Scroll down the see the storm that is being called "the worst disaster in Texas history" for yourself. Our thoughts are with all those touched by this event.
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