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我们约会吧 Take Me Out 10/7 Highlight “洗剪吹”哥带领妈妈健身搞定丈母娘Non-mainstream guy likes sports【湖南卫视官方版】

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【湖南卫视我们约会吧- 20141007本期精彩】Hunan TV's Take Me Out 20141007 EP Highlight:
Outside girl shows her love by VCR
梦想与技术俩不落的文艺男、追求完美活出品质的精致男、喜欢孩子酷爱健身的“洗剪吹”男、高大养眼的慢热帅哥、连邱老师都搞不定的奇葩男。无论如何,总有 一个适合你!话不多说,快来跟《约会吧》一起享受最后的假日时间吧!
The hipster guy with both dreams and technologies, the descent guy pursuing perfectionism, the non-mainstream guy fond of kids and workouts, the handsome guy and the unique guy even Qiu cannot handle. No matter what, there is always a cup of tea for you! Let’s join Take Me Out to have fun for last day of Gold Week.
Take Me Out produced by Hunan TV is an interaction dating reality show since 2010. The show creates a platform based on the social demand on reliable relationship between male and female. The show model leverages interviews and interaction, and invite guestss who are single and are craving dating opportunities. New season of Take Me out starts on 9/2/2014, and the new show will feature younger generation of female guests, as well as their mothers to support and give opinion.

Take Me Out Full EP Playlist:

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