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变形计X-change:梁佳铭联合庄爸抵制亲爹Confrontation between father and son 【湖南卫视官方版】

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梁佳铭与庄爸站在同一阵线上抵制亲爹,这让梁爸爸有些嫉妒和不甘心。Confrontation between father and son
New Seriers of X-change - Twin World, records two pairs of father and son exchange 30 days life from city to China's sub-urban area.
变形计是一档生活类角色互换纪实栏目,号称"新生态纪录片"。 更新时间:每周日、周一、周二,三集联播,尽请期待。
X-Change is a new lifestyle documentary that presents how grassroots exchange their identity and experience other’s life in the show.
X-Change Full EP Playlist:
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