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《旋风孝子》20160305第8期精彩花絮:包贝尔反串女装太妩媚 The Greatest Love Recap【湖南卫视官方版】

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湖南卫视《旋风孝子》超清全集 The Greatest Love Playlist:
《旋风孝子》首季播出12期,以“孝”为切入点,6位明星及其父母(其中一位)共同生活6天5夜为创作点,直击人伦亲情,人性善本。该节目由90%的趣味性与10%的感动组成,节目以真实取胜。The Greatest Love is a family oriented reality show broadcast by Hunan Television. The show features six celebrities living with their parent for six day five night, at the most memorable place of their life. The concept of the Greatest Love is filial piety, which express by the Chinese character “孝”. The cast member of this show are: Xiaoming Huang, Joe Chen, Zheng Shuang, Du Chun, Bao Beier and Gary Chaw.
更新时间: 每周六
Update time: Every Saturday
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