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[Trailer] 狐妖傳 1 聶小倩 Fairy Fox Nie Xiaoqian 倩女幽魂係列電影 | 玄幻愛情片 Ghost Story Romance film HD

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Synopsis: The romance movie "A New Chinese Ghost Story 狐妖傳1聶小倩 Fairy Fox Nie Xiaoqian" is about a ghost love story between the fairy fox Nie Xiaoqian and scholar Ning Caichen. Scholar Ning Caichen journeys through a small town to local a never. villagers guide him to a ghostly Orchid Temple. There, Ning encounters Xiaoqian, a female ghost at the evil bidding of the Tree Devil. Xiaoqian falls in love with Ning. On the other side the evil Hei Shan Demon wants to marry Xiaoqian and get the Tree Devil's approval. At last , Master Yin and Monk Chan Yuan defeat Hei Shan Demon, Ning Caicheng and Nie Xiaoqian become lovers.

故事简介: 聊斋-倩女幽魂系列人鬼爱情电影《Fairy Fox 狐妖传1聂小倩 A New Chinese Ghost Story》 讲述被妖物控制的孤弱少女聂小倩,为给树妖姥姥准备贡品,偶然遇到上京赶考的书生宁采臣。本性善良的小倩再多次与宁采臣接触后,被期纯真的品质锁打动。宁采臣得知小倩境遇后,请燕赤霞取回小倩元魄,不料遭到黑山老妖阻拦,从而渡过了一段曲折艰辛从妖到人的经历。最终邪不胜正,宁采臣与聂小倩终成眷属。

出品 Studio: 武汉中天伯乐影视 Zhong Tian Bo Le Films
制片人 Produced by: 孙逊 Sun Xun, 屈明锦 Qu Mingjin, 胡文静 Hu Wenjing.
导演 Directed by: 刘欢 Liu Huan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 刘欢 Liu Huan.
主演 Starring: 倪青 Ni Qing, 简叶Jian Ye
主题 Genres: #女鬼 #ghost #爱情 #romance #lovestory #倩女幽魂

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