Check this out, please!
How to make a soju watermelon cocktail!
These are very popular in Korean bars in America. They're made with soju, which is the #1 distilled beverage in Korea but not well known to the rest of the world. If you can't find soju in a Koreatown near you, you can substitute it with vodka.
The fun thing about subak soju is that you can use the blended flesh of the watermelon to make your drink and use the watermelon shell to serve it in -- nothing is wasted!
How to make a soju watermelon cocktail!
These are very popular in Korean bars in America. They're made with soju, which is the #1 distilled beverage in Korea but not well known to the rest of the world. If you can't find soju in a Koreatown near you, you can substitute it with vodka.
The fun thing about subak soju is that you can use the blended flesh of the watermelon to make your drink and use the watermelon shell to serve it in -- nothing is wasted!
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