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New Movies 電影 | 開心鬼大戰古惑仔 Happy Ghost and Gangster | 黑幫動作喜劇片 Comedy Action film, Full Movie HD

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New Movies 電影 | 開心鬼大戰古惑仔 Happy Ghost and Gangster | 黑幫動作喜劇片 Comedy Action film, Full Movie HD

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Synopsis: New Gangster Movie "Happy Ghost and Gangster 開心鬼大戰古惑仔" is about the following story of Young and Dangerous Series. When Jiao Pi left Chen Haonan, He fight for the position with his brother Zhao Zixiong. Boss Yu of the Society was hurt in an assassination and resigned as Board President. So many persons fought for this position. Old men pushed Zhao Zixiong into killing Jiao Pi, Jiao Pi's soul went into a star-crossed woman and fought back for revenge.

故事簡介: 最新黑幫喜劇電影《開心鬼大戰古惑仔 Happy Ghost and Gangster》 承襲 90年代 經典香港古惑仔系列風格,講述蕉皮 離開 陳浩南 後跟好兄弟趙子雄一起拼搏上位,成為了新社團的主力軍。偏趕上話事人被暗殺,社團內互相猜忌爭奪權位,趙子雄為當老大狠心殺死蕉皮。蕉皮的冤魂在開心鬼的幫助下,利用一個苦命女人的肉身復活,搖身一變成了大姐大,找趙子雄復仇,卻沒想到他和趙子雄只不過是長老們爭權奪利的玩偶。螳螂捕蟬黃雀在後,身為妖魔化身的話事人死而復生,誓要消滅所有 對老大位置有所覬覦的人。愛恨情仇,兄弟情義,穿越百年的恩怨,霎時間江湖風起雲湧,人鬼大戰一觸即發。

出品 Studio: 軍盾影業 Army Shield Film
制片人 Produced by: 優優 You You, 解煥梅 Xie Huanmei
导演 Directed by: 柳航 Liu Hang
编剧 Screenplay by: 三不 San Bu
主演 Starring: 吳業晗 Wu Yehan, 朱永棠 Jason Chu, 黃一飛 Jatfei Wong, 駱應鈞 Felix Lok, 徐少強 Norman Chui, 尹揚明. Yeung Ming Wan, 黃一山 Gabriel Wong, 柳航 Liu Hang.
题材 Genres: 黑幫 Gangster, 喜劇 Comedy, 動作 Action.

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