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New Movie Trailer | Veyron Action 威龙行动 | Comedy Action film 喜剧动作片 HD

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Synopsis: New Action Movie "Veyron Action 威龍行動" is about a story of two young men, Wu Haowei and Kong Yilong who own a security company. But they failed the mission to protect Boss Chen three years ago. Then three years late, Boss Chen's daughter, Nonan asks them to attend a special action with the payment of 500 million Yuan: to kill the murder of her father and take the money back...

故事简介: 最新喜剧动作电影《威龙行动 Veyron Action》通过小人物吴浩威如何拖延林老板携赃款潜逃的过程,展现在复杂的时代背景下,小人物如何战胜心中贪念,见义勇为,战胜邪恶的精神面貌。面对突如其来的巨款,一时心生贪念,人皆有之,小保镖吴浩威也不例外。

出品 Studio: 佛山华升文化 Huasheng Film, 合肥先歌传媒 Xiange Media, 安徽鑫美传媒Xinmei Media.
制片人 Produced by: 罗文进 Roman.
导演 Directed by: 胡锦棠 Hu Jingtang.
编剧 Screenplay by: 李炯楷 Johnny Li, 李淑萍 Supreme Li.
主演 Starring: 卢大雨 Lu Dayu, 马榞 Yelo Ma, 凯西 Cathy, 张曼莉 Kitty Zhang.
题材 Genres: 喜剧 Comedy, 动作 Action.

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Movie, 电影, 電影
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