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New Movie Trailer | Journey To The West 西游记之锁妖封魔塔 | Fantasy Myth film HD

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Synopsis: The fantasy myth movie "Journey To The West 西遊記之鎖妖封魔塔" tells a story that happened after Tang Seng and his three apprentices returned from obtaining Buddhist sacred texts. The Monkey King, who was given this name Victorious Fighting Buddha returned the Golden Cudgel back to holding back the ocean, patrolling around the Sumeru and the four continents to vanquish demons and monsters. When he went to the Demon-Locking Pagoda to capture the fleeing demons, he found out that the heaven court was treating human-being as a demon. He immediately rescued Yuexian, a woman who is not a demon. He protected her along the way to find a way out from Guanyin Bodhisattva, and during the process, the two of them formed a relationship that's romantic in nature. No one expected troops from Heaven and the trickster Taoist Priest Qingfeng... Monkey King was as brave and formidable as before, fighting the heaven court again for one person and one demon.

故事简介 Synopsis: 电影《西游记之锁妖封魔塔 Journey To The West》讲述唐僧师徒四人取经归来,加封斗战胜佛的孙悟空将如意金箍棒回归定海神针,巡视须弥四洲,降妖除魔。在前往锁妖塔肃清出逃妖魔之际,发现天庭指人为妖的行径,随即救出是人非妖的女子月弦,一路护佑旨在向观音菩萨寻个出路,一路上朝夕相处,与月弦暗生情愫,不料蜂拥而至的天庭追兵以及清风道长的背后使诈…孙悟空一如当年勇猛,为了一人一妖再战天庭。

出品 Studio: 上海动影文化 Doning Media, 上海凡酷文化 Funcola Media.
制片人 Produced by: 苗金仓 Miao Jincang.
导演 Directed by: 苗金光 Miao Jinguang.
编剧 Screenplay by: 苗金仓 Miao Jincang.
主演 Starring: 于尚 Yu Shang, 覃培军 Qin Peijun, 李宏磊 Li Honglei, 张雪艳 Zhang Xueyan.
题材 Genres: 玄幻 Fantasy, 神话 Myth

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