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New Movie 电影 | My Goddess Teacher, Eng Sub 女神驾到 | School film 青春 校园 喜剧 HD

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New Movie 电影 | My Goddess Teacher, Eng Sub 女神驾到 | School film 青春 校园 喜剧 HD

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Synopsis: New School movie "My Goddess Teacher," tells a story about a beautiful teacher, Wen Siyu, who comes to Chengnan School. The boring schoolyard suddenly bursts into a buzz. The situation of the arbitrary teaching director has also been challenged. The Prince of the campus Jin Yingjun, and Lu Zhiqiang, a simple guy with a 40-year-old appearance. They all started arduous battles for getting this beautiful lady. They launched several love offensives but ended with failures. The failure of the teaching director's pursuit made him suspect Wen Siyu. At this time, with the arrival of the school celebration day, an interesting thing has happened, classroom windows trembled abnormally, man and woman's body entanglement silhouette shadowed, whose red high-heel that showed in front of the teaching director? This movie is like American Pie.

故事简介: 电影《女神驾到 My Goddess Teacher》讲述 美丽的文思雨来到了城南学校,原本枯燥无味的学校顿时炸开了锅,教导处主任一手遮天的情形也受到了挑战,校园王子金英俊,40岁面庞心地单纯的鲁志强等等……他们都开始了争夺美女垂青的艰苦战役。他们发动了数次爱情攻势,屡战屡败但毫不气馁,教导主任追求的失败让他怀疑文思雨。而此时随着学校庆典日的到来,却发生一桩耐人寻味的事情,教室窗子异常的颤动,男女身体纠缠的侧影,出现在教导主任面前的红色高跟鞋究竟是谁的呢?本片类似题材电影《美国派 American Pie》

出品 Studio: 方泉影业 Fangquan Film
导演 Director: 吴灿 Wu Can
主演 Starring: 俞诗旻 Yu Shimin, 张宗敏 Zhang Zongmin
题材 Genres: 青春 Youth, 喜剧 Comedy, #青春期 Pubescence #Puberty.

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