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Movie 电影 | Truth or Dare 网红调教师 | Drama film 剧情片 Full Movie HD

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Synopsis: The new film "Truth or Dare 網紅調教師" tells about the training of Internet Celebrities. There are all kinds of rumors outside which are confusing. However, we have 10000 ways to train an Internet Celebrity. A single-minded girl Yang Xiaolu was deeply lost her minds in order to rescue her missing boyfriend. Unexpectedly, she accidentally found many shocking secrets hidden behind an online celebrities brokerage company. In the celebrity circle, the relationship between agents and celebrities is complex, and it is comparable to the Harem Struggle. She is occupied by him, but she can not forget the former one. Even though they get hurt badly every time, they are still deeply fall in love with each other. How does she control her own destiny? How much does an ordinary people need to pay to become an Internet Celebrity? And when potential crises and temptations appear, how could she deal with her destiny...

故事简介: 最新电影《网红调教师 Truth or Dare》讲述关于调教网红这件事,外界有各种传闻,扑朔迷离。然而我们有一万种方法打造网红。一根筋的 “杨小璐”为营救失踪男友深陷迷途,竟意外发现一家网红经纪公司背后隐藏诸多令人咋舌的劲爆内幕。在网红圈,经纪人与艺人、情感与肉体之间关系错综复杂,心计堪比宫斗。她让他占有她的身体,心中却难忘从前的他,哪怕每次与对方会面都会遍体鳞伤,却仍一往情深。女主人公如何自己掌握自己的命运?看圈外人需要付出多少代价才能逆天成为网红。而当更多潜伏危机和诱惑出现时,她又将何去何从……

出品 Studio: 上海简蕴网络科技 Jianyun Network, 上海凡酷文化 Funcola Media.
制片人 Produced by: 杨健 Yang Jian.
导演 Directed by: 刘彬 Liu Bin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 刘彬 Liu Bin.
主演 Starring: 苗贺程 Miao Hecheng, 韩伊沫 Han Yimo, 史文翔 Shi Wenxiang, 沈梦瑶 Sheng Mengyao.
题材 Genres: 剧情 Drama.

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