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Movie 电影 | Campus Mystery 笔仙魔咒 | Thriller film 悬疑惊悚片 Full Movie HD

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Synopsis: The new movie "Campus Mystery 筆仙魔咒" is about a suspense and thriller story. Song Duoduo is a fresh girl of a medical college. She frequently has a same dream in which she and other three people are playing a pen spirit game, with masks on their faces. She also joined a ghost story club where she made friends and had some thriller activities. One day before the examination, she and other three members went to a beautiful and natural island for fun. But when she was there, she felt that the scenery was so familiar to her. Then series horror things happened...

故事简介: 电影《笔仙魔咒 Campus Mystery》讲述某医学院心理学系大一新生宋朵朵(游乐儿 饰),不知为何近一段时间经常做一个三个带着面具之人请笔仙的恐怖噩梦,醒着时也偶尔会看见溺死的女鬼。朵朵和好友白妮(杨曼玉 饰)参加了一个名为鬼话夜谭的社团,这一天她和罗京(陶醉 饰)、齐小川(陈炳强 饰)等人接收了社团的新任务,那就是前往废弃的医学院教学楼寻找白色头骨。夜幕降临,朵朵和白妮相约来到这个恐怖的所在,据说当年有一位学姐曾在此自杀,尸体泡在了福尔马林里,自此之后该校舍闹鬼的说法便不胫而走。在寻找头骨的过程中,朵朵遭遇白衣女鬼,从而受到莫大惊吓。考试前夕,几位好朋友相约来到南岛解压,而各种遭遇促使着他们请来笔仙搜索真相……

出品 Studio: 泽西年代影业 Jersey Film, 永康冬青影业 Dongqing Film, 模晰文化传媒 Moxi Media.
制片人 Produced by: 关尔 David Kuan.
导演 Directed by: 关尔 David Kuan.
编剧 Screenplay by: 周唯 Zhou Wei, 梁潇潇 Liang Xiaoxiao, 朱孛 Zhu Bei.
主演 Starring: 游乐儿 Yoyo, 陈炳强 Chen Bingqiang, 杨曼玉 Yang Manyu, 陶醉 Tao Zui, 叶思彤 Ye Sitong.
题材 Genres: 悬疑 Suspense, 惊悚 Thriller.

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