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[Full Movie] 玉面蛟龙 The Chivalrous Girl | 武侠动作电影 Martial Arts Action film HD

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Synopsis: The martial arts action movie "The Chivalrous Girl 玉面蛟龍" is about a story in China Song Dynasty. Song's army was defeated by Liao's army which made Liu Jiyuan, the former North-Han emperor, increased the ambition to recover his empire. So he sent an acrobatic team to Qi county to connect all the secret forts and ask for information. Then the acrobatic team was hunted by three strange forces because they saved three persons on the trip. At the critical time, the Jianghu warriors fought together and broke the conspiracy.

故事简介: 古装武侠动作电影《玉面蛟龙 The Chivalrous Girl》讲述北宋与辽国一战中战败,以刘少然为首的万佛武行五人被北汉皇帝刘继元当做棋子,以卖艺为名进入宋国境内重镇淇县刺探国情,因途中救下身世各异的三人,一石激起千层浪,引得宋辽两国势力共同追杀。危在旦夕间,面对国仇家恨与情感的冲突,江湖儿女杀出重围破除了北汉旧臣试图颠覆大宋的阴谋。

出品 Studio: 正奇影业 Zhenqi Film, 非比寻常影视 Phoebe Media
制片人 Produced by: 徐剑 Xu Jian.
导演 Directed by: 吴正豪 Wu Zhenghao
编剧 Screenplay by: 天歌痕 Tian Geheng 单杰 Shan Jie, 悬河 Xuan He.
主演 Starring: 崔煜林 Cui Yulin 陈韦然 Chen Weiran #徐少强 #NormanChui
题材 Genres: #武侠 #MartialArts #动作 #Action

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