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[Full Movie] 混世四猴:神猴归来 Monkey King | 玄幻动作电影 Fantasy Action film HD

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Synopsis: The fantasy action movie "Return of The Monkey King 混世四猴之神猴歸來" tells a story of hope and miracle. "As long as you believe, there will be hope" - these words make Ba Haixing, a little girl rescued by Lingming Stone Monkey, regard him as an idol. However, Lingming Stone Monkey's missed appointment made Ba Haixing disappointed in him. She grew up to be a liar, but unexpectedly she meet her former idol again. How will the infatuated female liar and the patron saint who lost his power face and solve the mistakes they made under the conspiracy of Mu Shen Ju Mang to disrupt the world? As long as you believe, there is hope. Where there is hope, miracles can be created.

故事简介: 玄幻动作电影《混世四猴:神猴归来 Monkey King》讲述“只要相信,就会有希望”——这句话让被灵明石猴拯救的小女孩巴海星视他为偶像。然而灵明石猴的失约使巴海星对他失望,长大成为骗子的她,没想到会再重遇昔日的偶像。痴心错付的女骗子,和失去法力的守护神,将如何在木神句芒祸乱人间的阴谋下共同面对并解决他们犯过的错,造下的业?只要相信,就会有希望。有希望,就能创造奇迹。

出品 Studio: 上海新龙门影视 New Dragon Gate Film, 淘梦影业 Tmeng Picture.
制片人 Produced by: 任莎 Ren Sha, 郭润泽 Guo Runze, 钟志鹏 Zhong Zhipeng.
导演 Directed by: 李伟基 Li Weiji.
编剧 Screenplay by: 李哲睿 Li Zherui.
主演 Starring: 周柏豪 Pakho Chau, 柴蔚 Chai Wei, 苑琼丹 Yuen King-Tan.
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #玄幻 #Fantasy

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Movie, 电影, 電影
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