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[Full Movie] 发个微信去天界 The WeChat Angel | 校园玄幻爱情电影 Campus Fantasy Love film HD

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Synopsis: The fantasy romance movie "The WeChat Angel 發個微信去天界" is about a campus love story. Jiang He is a freshman, who dreamed of being a superhero since he was a child, until one day, when he was facing a major crisis in his life, he met a Warlock who were silently helping him opened a new door for him. In order to solve his own crisis, Jiang He has a Super WeChat and starts his road of self-salvation. Through Super WeChat, Jiang He can communicate with other worlds, help souls realize their unimaginable or warm-hearted wishes, and earn wish power... In the end, Jiang He successfully gathered enough wish power to solve his crisis, but at the same time he also found that he lost his friends who fought side by side.

故事简介: 校园玄幻爱情电影《发个微信去天界 The WeChat Angel》讲述大一新生江河,从小就做着超级英雄梦,直到有一天,他面临人生一个重大危机时,遇到了一位一直以来都在默默帮助着他的异士,为他开启了一扇新的大门。为了解决自己的危机,江河拥有了一个超级微信,开始他的自我拯救之路。通过超级微信,江河可以沟通异界,帮魂灵们实现一个个或匪夷所思或温情暖心的心愿,赚取愿力……最后,江河成功集够愿力,解决了自己的危机,然而同时他也发现,在晋级的同时,自己也失去了并肩作战的朋友。

出品 Studio: 深圳一树繁花文化传媒 Flowery Film, 互联网电影集团 IFG
制片人 Produced by: 达令一 Da Lingyi.
导演 Directed by: 石晖 Shi Hui.
编剧 Screenplay by: 石晖 Shi Hui.
主演 Starring: 何其炜 He Qiwei, 张冰倩 Zhang Bingqian, 林津伊 Lin Jinyi.
题材 Genres: #爱情 #Romance #玄幻 #Fantasy #校园 #campus

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