The recipe is here!:
One of my favorite BBQ places of all time is Fette Sau in Brooklyn. They make a delicious broccoli salad as a side dish for their BBQ and customers never miss ordering it with their beef brisket, including me. It's really tasty, but it has a lot of olive oil, so it looks and tastes really oily. It's ok once in a while, but I couldn't eat it all the time...
One of my favorite BBQ places of all time is Fette Sau in Brooklyn. They make a delicious broccoli salad as a side dish for their BBQ and customers never miss ordering it with their beef brisket, including me. It's really tasty, but it has a lot of olive oil, so it looks and tastes really oily. It's ok once in a while, but I couldn't eat it all the time...
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