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Action Movies 2020 电影 | Pursuit From The Mirror, Eng Sub 密道追踪之魔镜邪灵 | 科幻动作片 Full Movie 1080P

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Synopsis: 2020 New Action Movie "Pursuit From The Mirror 密道追踪之魔镜邪灵" is about a science fictional story. Two fishes (Shuang Yu) Town is a joint point for two worlds. When someone passes the mirror field, it will produce a duplicated one. Then all the persons in this town are duplicated ones. When a duplicated one leaves this town, He or she must kill another real one in seven days to survive. For a female one, she can also get pregnant in seven days to survive. Liu Quan is a cowardly clerk and follows his tough boss Xing to collect the payment. When they pass by the town, Liu Quan resisted and killed his boss, then saved an escaping girl, Han Yuer. At this time, Liu Quan has much money and a beautiful girl in his life. But the pursuit from the Two Fishes Town is coming...

故事简介: 2021科幻动作电影《密道追踪之魔镜邪灵 Pursuit From The Mirror》作为电影《密道追踪之阴兵虎符》的番外篇,仍然延续了悬疑、科幻等流行题材,讲述了一个发生在双鱼镇的悬疑故事。张航饰演的柳泉本是一个对老板言听计从的下属,却在被老板百般压迫后决定反抗,于是一场危机在双鱼镇悄悄蔓延……

出品 Studio: 临沂极地广告 Ji Di Art. IFG 互联网电影集团
导演 Director: 俞岛 Yu Dao
主演 Starring: 张航 Zhang Hang, 张琦 Zhang Qi, 张粟 Zhang Su, 唐昕 Tang Xin, 于果儿 Yu Guoer
题材 Genres: 科幻 Science Fiction, 动作 Action, 悬疑 Suspense

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