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電影預告《火雲邪神之修羅面具》周星馳“功夫”原班人馬:梁小龍 元華 元秋 李俊麟 楊博瀟 潘躍 何佳琪 主演 玄幻動作片 HD

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故事簡介: 功夫玄幻動作電影《火雲邪神之修羅面具 The Mask of Shura of Fire Cloud》講述的是:火雲邪神,是這個城市的保護神。他們既有平凡人的軀體也有神的法力,遊走在“人和神之間”,他們有自己的規矩:絕不可以屠戮無辜百姓。除了代表“正義”的火雲邪神,這個世界還有另一股代表“邪惡”的黑羽會。十八年前,黑羽會潛入了老邪神西城勇的地盤,盜走了修羅面具,利用修羅面具放出魔神,當時魔神只是個嬰兒,老邪神為了魔神日後不作惡收養了嬰兒,教他好好做人,成為小邪神。小邪神最後控制了面具的力量成為老邪神的接班人,繼續守護城市。

Synopsis: The kung fu & fantasy action movie "The Mask of Shura of Fire Cloud 火雲邪神之修羅面具" is about the story of the Fire Cloud Demon, who is the protector of the city. These people have both the body of ordinary people and the power of gods, and they act "between humans and gods". They have their own rules: innocent people must not be slaughtered. In addition to the Fire Cloud Demon, which represents "justice", there is another Black Feather Gang that represents "evil" in this world. Eighteen years ago, the Black Feather Gang infiltrated the territory of the old Fire Cloud Demon, Xicheng Yong, stole the Shura Mask, and used the Shura Mask to release the Evil Lord. At that time, the Evil Lord was just a baby. The old Fire Cloud Demon adopted the baby so that the Evil Lord would not do evil in the future, and taught him to be a good man, becoming his successor. The little Evil Lord finally controlled the power of the mask and became the successor of the old Fire Cloud Demon, continuing to guard the city.

出品 Studio: 淘夢影業 Tmeng Pictures.
製片人 Produced by: 常斌 Chang Bin, 吳靜 Wu Jing, 任莎 Ren Sha, 姚玲 Yao Ling, 王林 Wang Lin.
導演 Directed by: 鐘智行 Zhong Zhixing.
編劇 Screenplay by: 張炭 Zhang Tan, 李哲睿 Li Zherui.
主演 Starring: 梁小龍 Bruce Leung Siu Lung, 元華 Yuen Wah, 元秋 Yuen Qiu, 李俊麟 Li Junlin, 楊博瀟 Yang Boxiao, 潘躍 Pan Yue, 何佳琪 He Jiaqi.
題材 Genres: #kungfu #動作 #Action #玄幻 #功夫 #fantasy #動作片 #actionmovies #fantasymovie #動作電影 #actionfilm

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