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艺术人生20130815 《致青春》系列——黄豆豆

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黄豆豆,1977年2月出生于浙江温州,1997年以优异的成绩毕业于上海舞蹈学院,代表作品有《醉鼓》、《秦俑魂》、《苏武》等。他的表演既热情丰满富有想象力,又挥洒自如,轻盈大度,有灵活的内在韵律感又富有独特的艺术想象力。本期节目黄豆豆做客《艺术人生》,与朱军、谢娜谈当年青春往事,致敬逝去的青春。(《艺术人生》 20130815 《致青春》系列——黄豆豆)
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"Art of life" In this program, the main content:"Art of life" is the CCTV of a TV show ,The purpose of the program is: the art of light life with warmth and heart to explore the true meaning of life, sentiment artistic spirit. Moderator is Zhu, each program length of 50 minutes. As a talk show, "art of life"'s success is not just because they have excellent hosts and guests touching story, but also in its ability to mobilize other artistic means, such as the use of dramatic elements --- sub-screen, layout, props, etc. , the artist who dig the bright spot and conflicts, making the entire program structured, climaxes.
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艺术- Arts
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