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第十三届"汉语桥"The 13th Chinese Bridge Competition-两代歌王韩磊羽泉同台飙歌-2 Great Singers Meeting 20140826

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The 13th Chinese Bridge Proficiency Final: The finale features popular show hosts and singers like Han Le and Yu Quan, which lead everyone to have a great time during their performance. Contestants from Australia, Africa, Europe, Korea and Russia give their best shot in the final round.

第十三届"汉语桥"世界大学生中文比赛22日在湖南卫视播出开幕式。来自不同国家、不同肤色、不同民族,却怀揣着同样"中国梦"的年轻人,和文化艺术界大师汇聚一堂,上演了一场精彩纷呈的"汉语盛宴"。 本届"汉语桥"世界大学生中文比赛以"我的中国梦"为主题,致力于中国传统精粹文化的传播,力图让世界优秀青年更深切地感受到中华文化的博大精深。开幕式上,梅葆玖、单田芳、易中天、元华等文化艺术界大师亲临现场,分别以京剧、评书、解字、武术的形式展现了中华文化之美。
The 13th Chinese Bridge is a Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Students produced by Hunan TV. Students from different parts of the world come together to pursue the China Dream with Chinese cultural experts. This season’s competition theme is “My China Dream”. Students learn and obtain a better understanding of Chinese culture through different categories. Chinese opera, book commenting, word explanation and martial art are performed by Chinese cultural masters on the show opening ceremony.

"湖南卫视《第十三届""汉语桥"世界大学生中文比赛》全集【官方版1080P超清全集完整】视频播放地址 Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Students Playlist:

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