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王敏德 Michael Wong -《Love in the Middle》Official Music Video

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王敏德 Michael Wong 英文專輯 Airways of Love 另一首派台歌曲 - I'm so Bad I'm Good

縱橫影圈打滾多年,相信不是太多人知道Michael同時也是歌手來,在90年代初,­他己經率先衝出香港在泰國推出唱片,當中歌曲''chan ma glai'' (意即:走過了漫長之路)更是當地大熱作品,唱片銷量超­過百萬張。近年Michael除了專注於電影及品牌事業外,也會不時興之所至與不同樂­手朋友合作推出歌曲,幾年前也曾推出全爵士唱片,今年他決定要認認真真當個流行歌手,­推出一張真真正正的Pop Music唱片!

三曲EP以英文為主,EP點題作''Airways of Love''更把派對音樂元素混入歌曲,Michael搖身一變流行­多材多藝型男,邊走邊唱盡顯型男風格! 唱片上更會同時發放三首MV,當中Michael動用上他私伙直升機及跑車,以海陸空­全方位拍攝MV,絕對是Michael今敞進軍香港流行樂壇誠意之作!

Love In The Middle

Composer: Kelvin Avon 倪凱民 @MoFo
Lyricist: Curtis Richa
Arranger: Kelvin Avon 倪凱民 @MoFo
Producer: Kelvin Avon 倪凱民 @MoFo

If the sun won't fall and the rain don't shine
Don't matter anyway cause you would still be the light

It's hard to choose where to go
When the shadows flood the dark
I need to find your heart

# Even if the stars collide in the sky tonight
I wouldn't mean anything if you weren't here next to me
Ooohhh girl
I gotta give you the love inside and lose all that foolish pride
So we can finally be free (be where I wanna be)
Cause I can't go on and not give honesty #

* See, I was in the middle
In the middle of trust and the fear about us
(now I'm sure it's love, something else was in the middle)

Stuck up in the middle
In the middle of trust and I care about us
(now you know I found love, something else is in the middle) *

I'll take your hand if you take mine
There ain't no barrier, can't stop us tonight

If you have some doubts and you can't decide
If what I feel is true, I'll convince you
Repeat # *

So can you find in your heart
To give us another chance a brand new start

I'll turn the page to where you are
Just to show you how I feel, straight from my heart
Repeat *

Ohhh it's something else in the middle
I get lost and stuck in the middle
Now I'm sure it's love, and something else in the middle
Ohh something else in the middle, I get lost and stuck in the middle
Now you know I found love, something else in the middle

I got lost in the middle
I got stuck in the middle
Now I'm sure it’s love it's something else in the middle
I won’t fall in love fall in love again fall in love again
Now you know, I've found love and something else in the middle
音乐视频- Music Video
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