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湖南卫视《2015元宵喜乐会》(3/4) Happy Celebration of the Lantern Festival 2015【湖南卫视官方版1080p】20150305

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快乐中国2015湖南卫视元宵喜乐会将于2015年3月5日,农历正月十五与您欢喜见面!今年的元宵君将为大家带来更多的男神女神,朴信惠、黄晓明、唐嫣、陈乔恩?通通不在话下!更有韩红、The One率领一众我是歌手唱将到场,主持人也将化身“神仙”陪大家一起欢喜闹元宵。
March 5 2015, the 15th day of Chinese new year, Hunan TV invites you and celebrities all over the world to celebrate the Lantern Festival, and send you the sincere greeting on the Chinese traditional festival.
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