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女特工失憶被追殺絕地反擊,一路開掛殺入間諜總部上演女版諜影重重!《魅影特工》| 動作片 中國電影 HD

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故事簡介: 動作電影《魅影特工 Agent Phantom》講述了失憶的女主珊珊,經常被噩夢圍繞,珊珊感到十分痛苦。井上得知珊珊沒死,派花野真衣刺殺珊珊,珊珊在被一次次刺殺中,珊珊漸漸開始疑惑自己到底是誰。 珊珊不甘被人擺弄,開始進行反擊。珊珊通過零碎記憶找到火山,被火山威脅逼問鑰匙的下落,珊珊在被逼問的過程中恢復記憶,殺掉火山。珊珊得知自己的身份後,開始了復仇行動。井上得知珊珊還沒有死,感到驚慌,便派手下久美子綁架凱威,以凱威威脅珊珊。珊珊聽到凱威被綁,來到井上基地。珊珊來到基地,幹掉了井上手下久美子。珊珊找到井上,井上告訴珊珊只要打贏三郎。珊珊和三郎開始了激戰,三郎不敵敗在珊珊手下。哪知井上出爾反爾,結果被珊珊一槍擊斃的故事。

Synopsis: The action movie "Agent Phantom 魅影特工" tells a story about Shanshan who lost her memory, and often surrounded by nightmares. She felt so torturous. Jingshang found that Shanshan did not die, so he sent Hanano Mai to assassinate Shanshan. During these assassinations, Shanshan gradually came to know who she really was. Shanshan was not willing to be defied and began to fight back. Shanshan found Huo Shan through fragmentary memory, but she was asked to hand out the key by him. Shanshan restored her memory in the process of being interrogated. Then she killed Huo Shan. She started to revenge after she knew her identity. Jingshang learned that she didn't die, and he felt nervous. so he sent a guard who kidnapped Kaiwei to threaten Shanshan. When Shanshan knew Kaiwei was kidnapped, she came to the base camp. Shanshan killed Ku Miko, and found Jingshang. He told her as long as she defeated San Lang he would release Kaiwei. Shanshan and San Lang began a fierce battle, then San Lang was dead. But Jingshang broke his promise. So Shanshan shot him dead.

出品 Studio: 安徽鼎興影視 Ding Xing Film.
製片人 Produced by: 薛少 Xue Shao, 董少波 Dong Shaobo.
導演 Directed by: 薛少 Xue Shao.
編劇 Screenplay by: 楊元狀 Yang Yuanzhuang.
主演 Starring: 劉小喬 Liu Xiaoqiao, 張宗敏 Zhang Zongmin, 杜文潔 Du Wenjie.
題材 Genres: #動作 #Action #動作片 #actionmovies #動作電影 #actionfilm

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