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《变形计》 X-change: 少女穿凉鞋进城寻母爱虐哭新妈妈-Girl Wears Sandals To Find Love From Mom【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20150315

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【湖南卫视变形计2015 - 本期精彩】 虐少“被离婚”伤痛难平,少女被独自弃留人世用笑容掩藏泪水!没有过的疼爱,还能否找回?
Hunan TV X-change 2015 EP Highlight: Teenager cannot relieve his pain after parents got divorced. A girl lives alone uses smile to cover her tears. Can they search for the love that has been lost?

2015变形计第十一季的第三期: “你们是离婚, 我是被离婚, 能一样吗” 这是16岁崔晋父母离婚后的心声。 “如果有地震, 我希望他遇到”这是青岛少年于海 变形前对父亲的怨恨。3月15日晚19:30, 邀你见证最真实的父子变形计"爱•现在"。
2015 Season 11, part 3 of X-change brings the story of divorced family kids together and view how the exchange of identity could help them to search for the loss parental love. The series “Love Now” starts on March 15, 2015.
变形计是一档生活类角色互换纪实栏目,号称"新生态纪录片"。 更新时间:每周日、周一、周二,三集联播,尽请期待。
X-Change is a new lifestyle documentary that presents how grassroots exchange their identity and experience other’s life in the show.
X-Change Full EP Playlist:
★湖南卫视《快乐大本营》官方版1080P超清全集 Happy Camp Full EP:
★湖南卫视《我们都爱笑》官方版1080P超清全集Laugh Out Loud Full EP:
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3:
★湖南卫视《我们的歌手》官方版1080P超清全集 Our Singers:
★湖南卫视《爸爸去哪儿2》官方版1080P超清全集Dad, Where Are We Going S02 Full EP:
★湖南卫视《花儿与少年》官方版1080P超清全集Divas hit the road Full EP:
★湖南卫视《天天向上》官方版1080P超清全集 Day Day UP Full EP:
★湖南卫视《噗通噗通的良心》官方版1080P超清全集Warmth of Conscience:
★湖南卫视《奇妙的朋友》官方版1080p 超清全集 Wonderful Friends Playlist:
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