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今晚80后脱口秀2014Tonight’s 80s Talk Show 2014:王自健调侃金池事故多 带招财猫护身防衰 全新炫富法 瓜子配辣条【东方卫视官方高清版】20141220

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今晚80后脱口秀2014Tonight’s 80s Talk Show 2014:王自健调侃金池事故多 带招财猫护身防衰 全新炫富法 瓜子配辣条【东方卫视官方高清版】20141220

Tonight’s 80s Talk Show 2014 is a new European and American style talk show produced by SMG. Show host Wong Zijian from the 80s takes the lead to engage a fun and entertaining talk show throughout each episode. The humor and inspiring content is mainly on social, cultural and stylish trends.
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我们的YouTube频道汇集SMG(上海东方传媒集团有限公司)旗下电视频道的内容:包括东方卫视的:中国达人秀、不朽之名曲、顶级厨师、 中国梦之声等等。同时,我们的一线记者也会采集娱乐、民生等更多好玩的视频分享给大家。所有最新最热门的华语视频,尽在看看新闻网官方频道!
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Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目:
★China's Immortal Songs HD Full Episodes:
《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6
★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo
★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE
★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=23&sort=dd&view=50
★Most popular dating show in Shanghai《百里挑一》&《谁能百里挑一》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=27&sort=dd&view=50
★Master Chef Season 2 第二季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGglA4OC00&list=PLGjsh-EBqdUMlwCpxgmSreUJtCUxXwV5e
★Master Chef Season 1 第一季《顶级厨师》全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6B47DCB3534DDA5
★Asian Wave 《声动亚洲》完整版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuMVdUNNgw&list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPKEpyCjWkJGlNjdZ00l-Wa
★Top variety show from Dragon TV 东方卫视王牌综艺选秀 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=28&sort=dd&view=50
★Dragon TV 2014 New Year Countdown & Chinese New Year Countdown 东方卫视跨年晚会&马年春晚 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists?shelf_id=25&sort=dd&view=50
★I Love Pets!萌物集中营:竞技秀《狗狗冲冲冲》! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUOpFap3PoTlP6ER-KxHkL5I

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脱口秀- Talk show
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